Friday, March 24, 2017

Preaching On Integrating Faith Orange County CA

By Edward Olson

Ministers that preach on the authority of the Bible will emphasize that a Christian will 'walk the walk' rather than merely 'talk the talk'. This means that a true belief in Jesus Christ will influence the physical life of the believer. Faith in the Living God will do away with old behaviors that are sinful and cause the follower of Christ to become daily more righteous. Preaching on integrating faith Orange county California way will not differ a whole lot from that of other areas, since neither God nor the holy scriptures change.

This is not a complicated concept, and it is one that Jesus addressed. He called his followers 'the salt of the earth' and urged them not to lose their 'saltiness'. Some academics make it complicated, but others make it simple. It is merely that a Christian should show his walk with God at home, at work, in the marketplace, and with friends.

When a minister bases a sermon on this principle, he is 'exhorting', in this case urging listeners to discard behavior not in line with scripture. The difference in a true Christian, man or woman, should be obvious to all. These people are at peace, filled with the joy of knowing they are loved and forgiven, ready to help others, living a moral life, and working for the kingdom rather than personal gain.

This is not the doctrine of 'easy believism', which says that all one must do is accept Jesus as savior and all will be well. This is the message that calls men to be holy, as God is holy. Although no human is able to be perfect, each follower of Jesus can learn to deal with sin immediately, ask for forgiveness, and go on in newness of life. All this is biblical.

Orange County CA is a populous, affluent area of southern California. There are many 'spirit-filled churches', which means bible-believing and charismatic. These churches often have schools that teach a biblical world view. This way of seeing everything from money management to politics through the principles of scripture is very different from mainstream cultural tenets.

Everyone should be able to find a class or small group discussion that fits their interests and schedules. There are parenting groups, youth meetings, young adult gatherings, and sessions for singles. Joining a small group is a good way to meet other believers and feel connected even in huge and diverse congregations.

None of this is unique to southern California. Christian colleges and universities have courses on this worldview. Guest speakers stress the importance of following the actual words of Jesus as detailed in the gospels. Television evangelists use this as a favorite theme.

People who attend church on Sunday but live like unbelievers the rest of the time need to listen to this message. Jesus says that the 'outside' - the conduct - reveals what is on the 'inside' - the heart. God wants holy children, and he wants them to be happy. Cheating on your spouse or your taxes, neglecting family responsibilities, using foul language, or filling your eyes and mind with pornography are not ways to success in this life or the next.

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